Constitution of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 Name
The organization shall be known as the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania abbreviated as "OCAL" in English.
Lithuanian Name: Lietuvoje gyvenančių išeivių iš kinijos asociacija
Article 2 Nature
The Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania is a non-profit grassroots organization registered with the local government authorities, composed of Chinese expatriates residing in Lithuania, registered Chinese enterprises in Lithuania, and other affiliated groups providing community services.
Article 3 Objectives
To love the People's Republic of China, abide by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania, and strive to uphold the legitimate rights and interests of the members of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania. In the promising future of China and Northeast European countries building deep economic and cultural cooperation, we aim to promote economic and trade exchanges and cultural interactions between China and Lithuania, strengthen friendly relations with the Lithuanian people, serve our association members, and work towards promoting unity and friendship among compatriots and integration with mainstream society.
Article 4 Registered Address
Article 5 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the association shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
Chapter II Organizational Structure
Article 6 General Assembly of Members of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania
The highest authority of the association shall be the General Assembly of Members of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania, which shall convene an annual meeting at the end of each year. In the event of significant or special circumstances, interim meetings may be convened as deemed necessary. The General Assembly shall review and approve the annual work report and financial statements of the association, formulate and approve the work plan for the next year, and revise, supplement, or remove members of the Board of Directors as needed.
Article 7 Establishment of Positions
The General Assembly of Members of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania shall establish the Standing Committee of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania, which shall consist of the following members:
1: President 1
2: Executive Vice President 1
3: Vice Presidents 5
4: Secretary General 1
5: Deputy Secretaries General 4
6: Directors 5
Additionally, there shall be two independent members outside the Board of Directors: one Supervisor responsible for supervising all major decisions made by the Board of Directors at meetings, ensuring that the meeting process and results are open, fair, and in compliance with the regulations and requirements of the association, and one Advisor.
Supervisor 1
Advisor 1
The legal advisor is: METIDA Law Firm, Address: Gyneju str.16 LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Article 8 Formation of the Board of Directors
The inaugural members of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania shall be recommended by Chinese expatriates residing in Lithuania and shall serve for a term of 5 years. Subsequent members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the General Assembly of Members.
Chapter III Rights and Obligations of Members
Article 9 Membership Qualifications
Chinese expatriates residing in Lithuania, Chinese enterprises in Lithuania, and members of civil society groups who support the interests of the People's Republic of China, have no affiliation with any organization defined as illegal by the Chinese government, and uphold the constitution of the association are eligible for membership upon registration.
Article 10 Rights of Members
- Members have the right to vote and be elected within the association.
- Members have the right to participate in various activities organized by the association (activities may be free or subject to fees depending on the financial status).
- Members are entitled to services provided by the association (services may be free or subject to charges depending on the circumstances, and the Board of Directors will publish the content of the services and the fee schedule on relevant promotional platforms of the association).
- Members have the right to criticize, make suggestions, and supervise the work of the association.
- Membership is voluntary, and withdrawal is free.
Article 11 Obligations of Members
- Members shall abide by the constitution of the association and implement its resolutions.
- Members shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the association.
- Members shall fulfill the tasks assigned by the association.
Article 12 Withdrawal
Members who wish to withdraw shall submit a written application. Long-term absence from Lithuania or lack of residency rights in Lithuania shall be deemed as automatic withdrawal. Members who do not participate in any activities of the association for two years shall be deemed as automatically withdrawn.
Article 13 Cancellation of Membership
Members shall abide by the constitution of the association and professional ethics, actively participate in the activities of the association, and refrain from engaging in activities detrimental to the reputation of the association. In case of violation, the membership status of the member shall be revoked by a vote of the Board of Directors. Serious offenders shall be subject to legal action in accordance with local laws or Chinese laws.
Chapter IV Rights and Obligations of the Board of Directors and President
Article 14 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for handling the association's daily affairs. Major matters such as annual plans, significant activities, personnel appointments and dismissals require discussion and decision by two-thirds or more of the directors. Members of the Board of Directors should consider the overall situation, unite and help each other, and seek common development. All members of the Board of Directors are prohibited from handling personal affairs in the name of the association or dealing with internal affairs of the association without authorization. A meeting of the Board of Directors can be initiated by a proposal from one-third or more of the directors.
Article 15 President and Executive Vice President
- The President is the highest representative of the association and shall exercise the following powers: convene and preside over meetings of the Board of Directors; inspect the implementation of resolutions of the General Assembly of Members and the Board of Directors; sign and implement relevant documents on behalf of the association; in special circumstances, the President may authorize designated members of the Board of Directors to exercise signing authority.
- If the President is unable to perform their duties during their term, the Executive Vice President shall act on behalf of the President until a new President is elected.
Article 16 Secretary-General and Legal Advisor
The Secretary-General of the association shall exercise the following powers: under the leadership and supervision of the President, oversee the daily work of the secretariat, organize and implement annual plans, and handle other routine matters.
The legal advisor shall be responsible for providing all relevant legal protection, risk avoidance, and handling legal proceedings for the association. The Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania will resist and pursue any infringement against it, and will legally defend its own rights.
Chapter V Financial and Asset Management
Article 17 Source of Funds
The association is a non-profit grassroots service organization, and its funds come from self-raised funds, donations, sponsorship, as well as activities or service income approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 18 Financial Work
Establish a strict financial management system to ensure that accounting information is true, legal, accurate, and complete.
Article 19 Financial Transparency
Announce the annual financial income and expenditure situation. Each expenditure shall be signed by the Secretary-General and the accountant, and approved by the President before disbursement. When there are changes in relevant personnel, handover procedures must be completed with the incoming personnel.
Article 20 Association's Assets
No unit or individual may misappropriate, privately distribute, or misappropriate the assets of the association, nor may they change or buy and sell the assets of the association. Any disposition of property involving assets of the association shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the members.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 21 Effectiveness of the Constitution
This constitution must be passed by the General Assembly of Members and shall come into effect after being finally approved. The Board of Directors shall formulate implementation rules according to the development needs of the association.
Article 22 Right of Interpretation
The final interpretation right of this constitution belongs to the Board of Directors of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania.
Article 23 Effective Date
The above articles of the constitution were passed by the General Assembly of Members of the Overseas Chinese Association in Lithuania and officially came into effect on November 19, 2016.